I am pleased to confirm that the introductory letters for this years CEO survey - one for new participants and one for past participants - are now available on PwC Teamspace. Please use the new participants letter if you are unsure if contacts have participated previously or not.
We are actively encouraging territories to distribute the introductory letter to contacts via email again this year if your processes support this, however if this is not possible the second option is to continue with the traditional method of a hard copy postal mailout.
Please remember to include in the letter(s) your local office letter head and TSP/GRP signature. Please feel free to include the details of a local contact within your letters also. We will email you with details on when to send out your introductory letters/emails. Please do not do this until we have confirmed this with you.
I can also confirm that a copy of the questionnaire for this years survey has been uploaded to Teamspace for your reference.
If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me.