1) Introduction
e-Learning becomes more and more important in the education system. The learning becomes no more taken place at the same time like in the past. The child-centered education through web-based instruction can be provided for all places, all learners and all the time.( Aggarwal and Bento,2002) e-Leaning cannot provide the real time communication. Reading the texts seem still the only one aspect in communication. (Liberati,2004) Online learning might lead the students to be confused and difficult to make up their minds. It is also classify the contents and consider the suitable contents. Then the teachers should advise and suggest the students to get the most advantageous from online learning. (Bonk,Wisher and Lee,2004) Web-based learning should provide the appropriate system design especially the content selected by the subject matter experts to produce the most qualified and the most appropriate instructional media to be the most effective media too.
There is the idea to improve Thailand, our country to be the knowledge society and values in virtue, moral, merit, and culture while the telecommunication system becomes influent.(The office of National Commission of Economy and Society,2006 ) Several advances
grows incredibly because of the technology. The learning values the students or the learners to find their own knowledge and the teachers lost their importance to be the facilitators. ( The office of National Education Commission,
2003). The communication gap between the teachers and the students gets wider. Electronic media becomes more importance in communicating, the students can communicate with the academic institute and their peers by this mean. (Monchai Tienthong,2005) The learning can be held and taken place at any place and anytime.