The ruling State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), into which the SLORC had renamed itself in November 1997, promised to establish a multi-party democratic political system by following a seven-step “Road Map” announced in August 2003. The seven steps were: (1) reconvening of National Convention (NC) tasked to draw up the detailed basic principles of the new constitution; (2) gradual implementation of the consultative process of the NC; (3) drafting of the new constitution according to the basic principles endorsed by the NC; (4) holding of a national referendum to adopt the constitution; (5) holding of free and fair elections for national and regional legislative bodies or pyithu hluttaws (people’s assemblies); (6) convening of the national and regional assemblies; and, finally, (7) ushering in a “a modern, developed and democratic nation” governed by national and regional leaders elected in accordance with the new constitution.