The technologically more advanced UAV we used is a MLB BAT 3 UAV (MLB Company, 2006)1. The BAT system consists of a fully autonomous GPS-guided UAV, a catapult launcher, ground station with mission planning and flight software, and telemetry system (Figure 3). Once launched off the catapult, the BAT acquires the first waypoint, flies the programmed flight lines and acquires images at 60% forward lap and 30% side lap for future mosaic production. The moving map display on the ground station shows the aircraft’s location and other parameters, such as speed, altitude, and fuel level in real time while the UAV is within 10 km of the ground station. Waypoints can be changed and uploaded in real time to the aircraft. The UAV currently carries two sensors: a color video camera with optical zoom capable in-flight and live video downlink to the ground station, and a Canon SD