Do not lift anything heavier than 10 pounds (e.g., gallon of milk). Do not bend or twist at the waist.
6. Housework and yard-work are not permitted until the first follow-up office visit. This includes gardening, mowing, vacuuming, ironing, and loading/unloading the dishwasher, washer, or dryer.
7. Postpone sexual activity until your follow-up appointment unless your surgeon specifies otherwise.
8. Do not smoke. Smoking delays healing by increasing the risk of complications (e.g., infection) and inhibits the bones' ability to fuse.
9. You may need help with daily activities (e.g., dressing, bathing) for the first few weeks. Fatigue is common. Let pain be your guide.
10. Gradually return to your normal activities. Walking is encouraged; start with a short distance and gradually increase to 1 to 2 miles daily. A physical therapy program may be recommended.
11. If applicable, know how to wear the brace before you leave the hospital. Wear for daily activities (excluding sleep) unless instructed otherwise.
Bathing/Incision Care
12. You may shower 4 days after surgery unless instructed otherwise.
13. Staples or stitches, which remain in place when you go home, will need to be removed. Ask your surgeon or call the office to find out when.
When to Call Your Doctor
14. If your temperature exceeds 101° F or if the incision begins to separate or show signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pain, or drainage.
What are the results?
Decompressive laminectomy is successful in relieving leg pain in 70% of patients allowing significant improvement in function (ability to perform normal daily activities) and markedly reduced level of pain and discomfort.1 However, back pain may not be relieved and 17% of older adults need another operation.2 Symptoms may return after a few years.
Decompressive laminotomy is successful in relieving back pain (72%) and leg pain (86%), and in improving walking ability (88%).3 Endoscopic laminotomy results in less blood loss, shorter hospital stay, and less postoperative pain medication than an open laminotomy.