Acidosis is not one disorder, but rather a continuum
of degrees of acidosis. The effects of continuum of
degrees of acidosis can be as slight as to reduce feed
intake by 0.25 lb./day or as severe as to result in death
of the animal. Several acidosis-related problems occur
in the feedlot: sudden death syndrome, polioencephalomalacia
(“brainers”), founder, rumenitis, liver abscesses,
malabsorption, clostridial infestations, and off-feed
or reduced feed intake. The dairy industry has an additional
problem, low milk fat syndrome, that is partly
related to acidosis
Acidosis is not one disorder, but rather a continuumof degrees of acidosis. The effects of continuum ofdegrees of acidosis can be as slight as to reduce feedintake by 0.25 lb./day or as severe as to result in deathof the animal. Several acidosis-related problems occurin the feedlot: sudden death syndrome, polioencephalomalacia(“brainers”), founder, rumenitis, liver abscesses,malabsorption, clostridial infestations, and off-feedor reduced feed intake. The dairy industry has an additionalproblem, low milk fat syndrome, that is partlyrelated to acidosis
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