Fig. 2. Detail of the area of the junction between the gonads and the urinary
bladder. The testis and the urinary bladder are juxtaposed in the proximal region of
testis. To avoid leaving any vestigial gonadal tissue that could be a source of
androgens, the urinary bladder is inevitably damaged during castration. (A) In the
urinary bladder damaged treatment one incision on each side of the bladder was
made (3, dashed line represents the local and the extension of the incision on the
left side). (B) Histological section (magnification 40) to illustrate the proximity of
the gonads and bladder that prevents a full castration to be performed without
damage to the bladder: 1 – gonads; 2 – urinary bladder; 3 – local of incision on the
left side of the urinary bladder; 4 – sperm duct; 5 – urethra and 6 - intestine.