This reproduction was made from a copy of a docum ent sent to us for microfilming.
While the most advanced technology has been used to photograph and reproduce
this docum ent, the quality of the reproduction is heavily dependent upon the
quality o f the material subm itted.
The following explanation o f techniques is provided to help clarify markings or
notations which may appear on this reproduction.
1.The sign or “ target” for pages apparently lacking from the docum ent
photographed is “Missing Page(s)” . If it was possible to obtain the missing
page(s) or section, they are spliced into the film along with adjacent pages. This
may have necessitated cutting through an image and duplicating adjacent pages
to assure com plete continuity.
2. When an image on the film is obliterated with a round black m ark, it is an
indication of either blurred copy because o f m ovem ent during exposure,
duplicate copy, or copyrighted materials th at should n o t have been filmed. For
blurred pages, a good image o f the page can be found in the adjacent frame. If
copyrighted materials were deleted, a target note will appear listing the pages in
the adjacent frame.
3. When a map, drawing or chart, etc., is part o f the material being photographed,
a definite m ethod o f “ sectioning” the material has been followed. It is
custom ary to begin filming at the upper left hand com er o f a large sheet and to
continue from left to right in equal sections with small overlaps. If necessary,
sectioning is continued again—beginning below the first row and continuing on
until complete.
4. For illustrations th at cannot be satisfactorily reproduced by xerographic
means, photographic prints can be purchased at additional cost and inserted
into your xerographic copy. These prints are available upon request from the
Dissertations Custom er Services Departm ent.
5. Some pages in any docum ent may have indistinct print. In all cases the best
available copy has been filmed.