Seed inoculation of rice varieties of BPT-5204, MAS-26 and MAS 946-1 by soaking of seeds in conidial
suspension (105
condial/ml) of Sarocladium oryzae overnight was carried out in two factorial complete randomized design
(CRD). Significant differences were observed among inoculation techniques (inoculated vs control) and among varieties as
indicated by reduced plant in seed inoculated plants as compared to that of control. The detached tiller assay experiment
was carried out three factorial CRD showed significant differences among inoculation techniques and varieties. Enlarged
lesion (3.25 cm) was observed in susceptible variety BPT-5204 within 14 days after inoculation as compared to resistant
variety HP-14 (1.4 cm). Foliar inoculation and cotton swabbing with conidial suspension (105
conidia/ml) during peak
vegetative stage to booting stage in BPT-5204 showed enlarged lesion whereas resistant breeding line HP-14 took no
infection and found highly resistant to sheath rot disease. In attached tiller assay and standard grain inoculation, lesion
development was observed within 15 days after inoculation. Development of sheath rot lesion was observed within 72
hours of inoculation with mycelial mat in detached leaf sheath assay and detached leaf assay. Seed inoculation, detached
tiller assay and foliar inoculation with conidial suspension (105
conidia/ml) were recommended for large scale screening of
germplasm, breeding lines and phenotyping of mapping population.