My darling,
i am so happy reading your message and I also thank the Almighty God who has made it possible for two of us to meet and with the oath I took as a soldier to defend my country I uphold the same oath to you to love and care for you and protect you with my life and the last drop of my blood.
Actually like I told you in my previous message, my assignment will finish next month and I will be going back to my country by second week of next month and I am planning to come visit you in your country by third week of next month so that we can meet and plan for other things .
Please my darling, there is something important i want to talk with you but i need your consent to do that, please this information is my life and if ever gets to another ear, that is going to be a very big blow to my Military career and all i have worked for to build my reputation. I want to know something, CAN I TRUST YOU?
The thing I want to discuss with you is my life, so if you assure me of your trust I will tell you details and with it you can be very sure that I want to marry you.
I wait for your responses my darling.
Your Beloved husband,