The true incidence of human brucellosis is
unknown. Reported incidence in endemic-disease
areas varies widely, from 200 per
100,000 population (3). While some areas, such
as Peru, Kuwait, and parts of Saudi Arabia, have
a very high incidence of acute infections, the low
incidence reported in other known brucellosisendemic
areas may reflect low levels of
surveillance and reporting, although other factors
such as methods of food preparation, heat treatment
of dairy products, and direct contact with
animals also influence risk to the population.
Consumption of contaminated foods and occupational
contact remain the major sources of infection.
Examples of human-to-human transmission
by tissue transplantation or sexual contact are
occasionally reported but are insignificant (4).
The true incidence of human brucellosis isunknown. Reported incidence in endemic-diseaseareas varies widely, from <0.01 to >200 per100,000 population (3). While some areas, suchas Peru, Kuwait, and parts of Saudi Arabia, havea very high incidence of acute infections, the lowincidence reported in other known brucellosisendemicareas may reflect low levels ofsurveillance and reporting, although other factorssuch as methods of food preparation, heat treatmentof dairy products, and direct contact withanimals also influence risk to the population.Consumption of contaminated foods and occupationalcontact remain the major sources of infection.Examples of human-to-human transmissionby tissue transplantation or sexual contact areoccasionally reported but are insignificant (4).
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