Statement 1
Hospitals that routinely accept children should include in their hospital and ward
policies, statements relating to the provision of play for children in hospital.
That hospital play policy is formulated according to a sound philosophy on play, which
gives recognition to the developmental, therapeutic and social effects of play on children
of all ages and abilities.
That such policies recognise the need for play specialists to be included in the team of
health care professionals assessing, planning and evaluating each child’s total care
That such policies ensure that those responsible for the provision of play for children in
hospital establish aims and objectives that are compatible with the stated policy and
that can be achieved through appropriate play programmes. Such aims and objectives
should be developed in collaboration with other specialist staff involved in the child’s
care and thus not be contraindicated during other forms of intervention.
That such policies readily identify the need for play services in all departments that are
regularly involved in paediatric health care.