Sir Henry turned away and walked back towards the Hall. He saw me by High Tor. He was not angry
that I had followed him.
'Watson,' he said, 'that man is mad. I told him that I
want to marry his sister. He shouted at me. He told me never to see her again. I think he is mad.'
I said nothing and we walked back to the Hall. That
afternoon, Stapleton came to the Hall. He wanted to speak to Sir Henry. He kept saying, 'I am
sorry. I was very rude.' Then he invited Sir Henry to dinner at Merripit House on Friday night.
Now I will tell you the story of Barrymore. I told Sir Henry that I had seen Barrymore signal
with a candle. Sir Henry said, 'We will wait for him tonight. If he signals again, we will catch
.Sir Henry and I did not go to bed. We sat waiting in Sir Henry's study until two o'clock in the
morning. Then we heard footsteps outside the study. We listened. The footsteps went upstairs.
Sir Henry and I waited for two more minutes. Then we opened the door quietly, and went
upstairs. We saw Barrymore by the large window at the end of the corridor. He had a candle in his
hand and he was waving the candle in front of the window.
'What are you doing, Barrymore?' Sir Hen'iv- shouted.
Barrymore almost dropped the candle. He looked frightened. 'Nothing, Sir Henry,' he said. 'I'm
checking the window, that's all.'
'You are signalling to someone on the moor,' said Sir Henry. 'Who is outside? Tell me!'
'No one, sir,' said Barrymore.
'Tell me,' said Sir Henry, 'or you shall leave this house
Sir Henry turned away and walked back towards the Hall. He saw me by High Tor. He was not angry
that I had followed him.
'Watson,' he said, 'that man is mad. I told him that I
want to marry his sister. He shouted at me. He told me never to see her again. I think he is mad.'
I said nothing and we walked back to the Hall. That
afternoon, Stapleton came to the Hall. He wanted to speak to Sir Henry. He kept saying, 'I am
sorry. I was very rude.' Then he invited Sir Henry to dinner at Merripit House on Friday night.
Now I will tell you the story of Barrymore. I told Sir Henry that I had seen Barrymore signal
with a candle. Sir Henry said, 'We will wait for him tonight. If he signals again, we will catch
.Sir Henry and I did not go to bed. We sat waiting in Sir Henry's study until two o'clock in the
morning. Then we heard footsteps outside the study. We listened. The footsteps went upstairs.
Sir Henry and I waited for two more minutes. Then we opened the door quietly, and went
upstairs. We saw Barrymore by the large window at the end of the corridor. He had a candle in his
hand and he was waving the candle in front of the window.
'What are you doing, Barrymore?' Sir Hen'iv- shouted.
Barrymore almost dropped the candle. He looked frightened. 'Nothing, Sir Henry,' he said. 'I'm
checking the window, that's all.'
'You are signalling to someone on the moor,' said Sir Henry. 'Who is outside? Tell me!'
'No one, sir,' said Barrymore.
'Tell me,' said Sir Henry, 'or you shall leave this house
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