Good Nursing Care is Built on a Trusting Relationship
It was obvious from the nurses’ narrations that the
relationship was important in home-based nursing care and
both the person in need of care and the nurses were affected
of the relationship. The relationship seemed to be the vehicle
through which the nurses could approach and reach the persons in need of care and was essential and a prerequisite
for providing good nursing care. In situations with
superficial relationships there were experiences of nursing
care where the person’s needs were not met and a risk for
harm occurred. Trust was an important component in a wellfunctioning relationship and could increase the sense of
security, especially when the person was dependent on care.
A trusting relationship could also contribute to make the
person feel better. It seemed as the relationship in homebased nursing care was equally important regardless of
which phase in life the person was in, palliative care or
curative care. Nurses described that home visits and the
relationship seemed to be of more importance for lonely
persons with limited supporting social network.