Here is a fun activity to try with your class, scout troop, or youth group. Get a large ball of yarn and have everyone make a large circle. One student holds the free end of the yarn. This student represents the sun. The “sun” tosses the ball of yarn to another student, but keeps hold of the free end. That student tells the group what part of the food chain they will be (“I am a plant or I am a hawk, etc…). They should unravel some of the yarn, hold on to it and toss the yarn ball to another student who also announces what part of the food chain they will be. Remember to hold on to part of the yarn before you toss the yarn ball. Continue tossing the yarn ball until every student is holding part of the yarn. One student tells the group what they are and begins to tug on the yarn. As other students feel the tug, they should tug back. What happens? What does this tell you about food webs?