The total area of the site is 1 364.352 ha. The dominant land use manners are ploughlands and
fishponds. In the case of ploughlands monocultures, while in fishponds intensive fishery are
characteristic, in the case of withdrawn land use built-in area is important. The extension of the
marshes, ditches and roads is considerably large, conserving values. The proportion of the
grasslands, forests and reedbed is less but with great conservational significance. The reedbed is
situated at the edge of the landuse area. The area of the grasslands is to be extended by
ploughland-grassland conversion. The tree stands are made up of non-indigenous species. It is
unfavourable respecting the aims of conservation but these are still to be maintained using
nature-friendly methods.
b) in the surroundings/catchment:
In the wider surroundings of the Ramsar site, mainly agricultural land and tree plantations are
found. From the South, the area is touched by the agglomeration of the town Tata, from the
North, by the former factory buildings and Duna Valley, from the West, by small plots of
agricultural land and the settlement of Naszály, from the East, by former floodplain of Duna and
Által-ér meeting with the ranges of Gerecse with various land use.
The total area of the site is 1 364.352 ha. The dominant land use manners are ploughlands andfishponds. In the case of ploughlands monocultures, while in fishponds intensive fishery arecharacteristic, in the case of withdrawn land use built-in area is important. The extension of themarshes, ditches and roads is considerably large, conserving values. The proportion of thegrasslands, forests and reedbed is less but with great conservational significance. The reedbed issituated at the edge of the landuse area. The area of the grasslands is to be extended byploughland-grassland conversion. The tree stands are made up of non-indigenous species. It isunfavourable respecting the aims of conservation but these are still to be maintained usingnature-friendly methods.b) in the surroundings/catchment:In the wider surroundings of the Ramsar site, mainly agricultural land and tree plantations arefound. From the South, the area is touched by the agglomeration of the town Tata, from theNorth, by the former factory buildings and Duna Valley, from the West, by small plots ofagricultural land and the settlement of Naszály, from the East, by former floodplain of Duna andÁltal-ér meeting with the ranges of Gerecse with various land use.
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