Chakri Throne Hall Hall is among the Chakri Throne Hall. Inside the palace By King Rama V. He graciously. To be built in 2419, situated between the Royal Palace, Royal Castle, the castle consists of three elements extends from east to west. Each episode connected with Mukkrasan by
Chakri Throne Hall. Is distinguished among the Chakri Maha Prasat Throne Hall than any other. The architecture is a mix of European architecture with Thailand. The building is an architectural style European throne. The roof of the hall is an architectural style Thailand. It is the source of the name "Wore Jada" [1] [2]
Because the architecture is superior to the other seat. The present Chakri Throne Hall became one of the most important attractions of the palace. Is one of the most important in the palace. Like the Emerald Buddha. In the temple of the Emerald Buddha
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