The resource dependence theory believes that
resources are crucially important to the existence and
development of the organization(Pfeffer&Salancik,1978).
Therefore, the organization exchanges its resources with
other organizations. The exchanges can be in terms of
monetary, physical resources, information, or other social
legitimacies that are concretely practiced from outside the
organization. On the contrary, the organization cannot
survive if it does not respond to the environmental needs.
There are different viewpoints on the organizational
environment and the ways the environment affects
organizational behavior and structure. Firstly, the environment
in the form of other organizations can directly affect the
exchange relationship (Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). For this
viewpoint, the management structure is to give confidence
in resource management in that it increases dependence
on resources from exchange relationships. This makes the
management different and requires the organization to
establish an office to directly operate it (Tollbert, 1985).
Secondly, it is the environment in the form of understanding
and expectations of the organization and behavior of social
members (Zucker, 1983).