Sensory evaluation
Snack crackers incorporated with varied level of HSR were
evaluated for their sensory qualities and general acceptability.
Overall likeability of the different prepared crackers was compared
using a 7-point hedonic scale. Sensory tests were performed
at the National Research Centre taste panel facility
using 14 panelists in each test. 57% of panelists were females
and 43% male, in the 25–47 age range. The analysis of the sensory
profiles of the five recipes of crackers indicated significant
differences between the evaluated crackers at p < 0.05 (Oneway
ANOVA) Table 4. Generally all crackers were scored
higher than control except HSR 5% which was rated lower
than control. Meanwhile, this crackers still acceptable since
the mean scores were greater than a score of 2.5 (neither like
nor dislike). The order of product acceptability based on 7-
point hedonic scale was 1.25 HSR > 2.50 HSR >3.75
HSR >control > 5% HSR.