1. IntroductionGlobal warming, primarily due to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissionin the atmosphere during fossil fuel combustion has invigoratedconsiderable environmental issues. Therefore, technologies per-taining to carbon management, which not only mitigate globaltemperature, but can also fulfill partial energy needs are in demand[1]. Artificial photosynthesis is of significance importance dueto water splitting to hydrogen (H2) or CO2reduction with H2Oto hydrocarbon fuels and value added chemicals such as carbonmonoxide (CO), methane (CH4), methanol (CH3OH), formic acid(HCOOH) and formaldehyde (HCHO). Thus, artificial photosynthe-sis provides alternative and sustainable pathways to resolve globalenvironmental issues apart from resolving energy crises [2]. In thisperspective, Inoue and Fujishima et al. [3] pioneered photocatalyticCO2reduction with H2O as a reducing agent. The products observedwere HCOOH, HCHO, CH3OH and CH4in presence of both oxide