Governance1.2a(1) TL’s system of integrated APEX scorecards (Figure 1.2-1) creates accountability for the management’s actions, fiscal accountability, and transparency. As part of the empower element of 5E, APEX goals and success measures cascade from the strategic plan, through the facility plans and depart-ment plans (2.2), to individual APEX Performance Goal Plans for workforce members (5.1a[3]). Individual APEX plans sup-port departmental action plans. APEX measures of success at the department level roll up to the facility level, which in turn roll up to the service scorecard and then the system scorecard, which is reported to the BOD monthly. This is
referred to in TL as analysis “up one side and down the other.” It allows the CLT and other employees to drill down through the levels to identify opportuni-ties for improvement. Results are linked with APEX Performance Evaluations at all levels and in all facilities and are a consideration in compensation (5.2a[3]). Scorecard results are one element of the environmental scan during the strategic planning process (SPP).