Concerning to coming Sunday’s general election on February 2nd, President Ishii is much concerned and worried about the safety of our staffs since there was a recent bad incident last Sunday 26th on an advance voting.
We realize and respect staff ’s individual right to join the voting and also well recognize our staffs as the value human assets of company. We cannot guess the situation of Sunday’s election as well as the situation after that. So, please be more careful and take good care of yourself when you are at the election poll.
Consequently, the Management has proceeded some preparations in case of emergency which already noted to all GMs. However, we would like to ask our staffs to follow and watch up the situation. If any emergency, the Management will send SMS to our staffs. In case the building is locked-out on Monday 3rd, staffs are asked to stay at home. So, please timely check your SMS, especially on Monday morning. (If no SMS, please come to work as usual.)