Stress is one of the single most significant factor for many physical and psychological dilemma. Longterm exposure to stress or chronic stress can lead to serious physical and psychological problems such as headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, stomachache, heart problems, chest pain, asthma, hypertension, liver dysfunction, diabetes, arthritis, suppressed immune system , skin conditions, irregular ministerial cycle, infertility, accelerated aging process, and premature death. As under perennial and /or continual stress condition the body releases excessive cortisol hormone that results in aforementioned issues. Physical activity may beneficial for mental and physical body system. Under intense or endurance exercise however increase total cortisol released levels far above the moderate training modalities which can be a destructive factor for people under extreme negative stress and can make worse stress health risk conditions. Thus, caution is need to be considered for people with negative stress. Nonetheless, according to the American physical activity guideline 10 minutes moderate aerobic exercise such as walking in division of 2×10 min or 3×10 min per day that can be performed throughout the week, seems to be helpful alternative for all adult in part people with psychological negative stress