With the increase of intake oxygen concentration, the ignition
time advanced gradually, the cylinder peak pressure increased
slightly and the combustion accelerated. With the increase of water
emulsion ratio, the combustion temperature decreased and the
combustion delay prolonged. The higher water emulsion ratio
resulted in longer combustion delay period. The ignition timing can
be controlled within a certain range by adjusting intake oxygen
concentration and water emulsion ratio.
The combinations of different intake oxygen concentrations and
water emulsion ratios in the areas of engine under condition of
2000 rpm and 180 Nm torque, with 0%e20% water emulsion ratio
and 21%e21.5% O2, as well as under the condition of 2000 rpm and
100% load, with 10%e15%water emulsion ratio and 21%e22% O2, the
NO-Smoke emission was lower than that of original engine. Moreover,
the BSFC does not exceed 5% of that of the original.
With the increase of intake oxygen concentration, the ignitiontime advanced gradually, the cylinder peak pressure increasedslightly and the combustion accelerated. With the increase of wateremulsion ratio, the combustion temperature decreased and thecombustion delay prolonged. The higher water emulsion ratioresulted in longer combustion delay period. The ignition timing canbe controlled within a certain range by adjusting intake oxygenconcentration and water emulsion ratio.The combinations of different intake oxygen concentrations andwater emulsion ratios in the areas of engine under condition of2000 rpm and 180 Nm torque, with 0%e20% water emulsion ratioand 21%e21.5% O2, as well as under the condition of 2000 rpm and100% load, with 10%e15%water emulsion ratio and 21%e22% O2, theNO-Smoke emission was lower than that of original engine. Moreover,the BSFC does not exceed 5% of that of the original.
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