In my opinion, Star Trek is the best science fiction movie. It is the galactic adventures of James T. Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise explores space tourism discover the new planet, alien, caluture, technology, environment and fight against those who would attack the world. Adventures make the relationship between human and alien, Make everyone understand each other. Star Trek make sense fun, happy, imagination and feeling of childhood again, because of a childhood dream. Paramount Pictures has produced thirteen Star Trek feature films and TV series. ‘Star Trek’ Get rewarded for the various science fiction awards such Academy Award, Saturn Award, Empire Award for Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy and have become popular among its fans, who call themselves "trekkies" or "trekkers". Of course, Has comparison between Star trek and Star War, To The difference of both. However, I think you should not miss Star Trek, because of the best science fiction, adventure and drama.