continuously to watch their step count and 94.1% tried to reach 10,000 steps when wearing it.
Most participants (91.5%) signed up for the challenge as part of a team; however, about a quarter (25.4%) stated this was little or not motivating. Overall, the challenge was enjoyed by almost all participants (98%) who completed the follow-up survey.
At the end of the survey, comments were made by 107 participants.
Of those, 24 people specifically mentioned that this challenge was
very encouraging to keep going with a healthier lifestyle. Twenty
participants mentioned that the challenge was too long and their
motivation or interest dropped off after a while. It was noted that it
was a “fantastic idea to promote a healthy lifestyle for those of us who
work in the health industry and encourage us to be leaders in health
promotion rather than carers of health clients (patients)”. Another
person commented “it’s good to see the health service taking an interest
in staff health at last - it’s a great initiative as so many of us are poor
role models for the patients we care for”………………….