presence of gelatinized and damaged starch in EWF and PGS, facilitating
the access of enzymes produced by yeast during proofing (Aschieri,
Carvalho, & Modesta, 2007). Also, the presence of lowmolecularweight
carbohydrates and pre-gelatinized starch in these raw materials would
lead to a cryoprotective effect, which can increase the number of viable
yeast cells.
Cryoprotectants are substances that have the ability to protect cells
from chemical changes and loss of functionality during freezing and
thawing and, thus, improve the quality and prolong the shelf-life of frozen
food (Giannou & Tzia, 2007).
These results are in agreementwith our prospection, since in Fig. 2, a
higher presence of low molecular weight sugars available for fermentation
is verified, indicating that EWF and PGS have the two effects:
cryoprotective of yeast and facilitator of fermentation.