Memory will improve over 300%(THETA 6HZ ISOCHRONIC+MONAURAL+PINK NOISE)
BWE ANIV ·6,891 views
Published on Apr 25, 2014·Improve memory & concentration/Absorb, retain, and recall information/Expand awareness and increase creativity.
Do you ever wonder why as children we learn more in our first few years of life? The answer lies in the mysterious and elusive Theta brain wave state. Up until the age of six, children are predominantly in Theta. This frequency allows the brain to absorb and retain massive amounts of information that gets stored in long-term memory. You can restore this magical ability through daily Theta brain wave training.
In this state of heightened receptivity, the clarity and speed with which you can concentrate, study, and integrate and store information is profoundly improved. Theta brain waves are associated with long-term-potentiation.(Information from
It has been said that as your brain enters the frequencies of the theta range, you will be able to retain over 300% more information than you can while in your normal daily (beta brainwave) state. Theta brainwaves allow people to learn large amounts of information in a much quicker time than beta brainwave state.
Research has been done on language learning and development, claiming that the reason why children are able to pick up new languages so quickly is because of their increased amount of theta brainwaves. Adults and students of a new foreign language may greatly benefit from shifting their brainwaves to the theta range.
*Benefits of 8000hz: Experience the high power of high-frequency sounds. Landmark discoveries over the past four decades made y Dr Alfred Tomatis, French scientist and ear specialist, have shown that high-frequency sounds from 5000 Hz to 8000 Hz (and above) can turbo charge the brain, revitalize the body and overcome learning problems.
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