Types of ‘On the job training’:
The most familiar type of on the job training is the coaching or understudy method. Here, an experienced worker or the trainee’s supervisor trains the employee. This may involve simply acquiring skills by observing skills by observing or (preferably) having the supervisor or job expert show the new employee the ropes, step by step. The Men’s Wear house, with 455 stores nationwide makes extensive use of on the job training. It has few full time trainers. Instead, the men’s Wear house has a formal process of cascading responsibility for training. Every manager is formally accountable for the development of his of her direct subordinates.
Job rotation ii which an employee (usually a management trainee) moves from job to job at a planned interval is another OJT technique. Jeffery Immelt progressed through such a process in becoming GE’s new CEO. Special assignments similarly give lower level executives first hand experience in working on actual problems.