3.4. Strain identification
The four highest GABA-production strains in the sourdough
medium (Fig. 1) were characterized phenotypically (Table 2) and
Genotypic characterization of the bacteria showed that strains
classified as B, C and A corresponds to the same species, L. brevis.
The phenotypic results obtained for the four strains, shown in
Table 2, constitute the biochemical profile, based on the fermentation
of 50 carbohydrates producing organic acid, by monitoring
the change in colour of bromocresol purple used as an indicator.
Biochemical tests (Table 2) showed that they correspond to
different strains, with variations in fermentation profiles.
This demonstrated the presence of a strong intra-strain fluctuation
in carbohydrate metabolism patterns of Lactobacillus species.
It is for this reason that the strains of L. brevis were registered in the
Spanish Type Culture Collection (Colección Española de Cultivos
Tipo, CECT) under different names: CECT 8181 (B), CECT 8183 (C)
and CECT 8182 (A). The one classified as D and registered as CECT
8184 corresponds to the specie Lactococcus lactis ssp lactis, which
was corroborated by biochemical tests.
3.4. Strain identificationThe four highest GABA-production strains in the sourdoughmedium (Fig. 1) were characterized phenotypically (Table 2) andgenotypically.Genotypic characterization of the bacteria showed that strainsclassified as B, C and A corresponds to the same species, L. brevis.The phenotypic results obtained for the four strains, shown inTable 2, constitute the biochemical profile, based on the fermentationof 50 carbohydrates producing organic acid, by monitoringthe change in colour of bromocresol purple used as an indicator.Biochemical tests (Table 2) showed that they correspond todifferent strains, with variations in fermentation profiles.This demonstrated the presence of a strong intra-strain fluctuationin carbohydrate metabolism patterns of Lactobacillus species.It is for this reason that the strains of L. brevis were registered in theSpanish Type Culture Collection (Colección Española de CultivosTipo, CECT) under different names: CECT 8181 (B), CECT 8183 (C)and CECT 8182 (A). The one classified as D and registered as CECT8184 corresponds to the specie Lactococcus lactis ssp lactis, whichwas corroborated by biochemical tests.
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