The intercalation of the polymer chains usually increases theinterlayer spacing of the silicate gallery, leading to a shift ofthe diffraction peak toward lower values of 2. According tothe 2 value of clay in the composite, one could judge aboutthe intercalation state of the clay in composite. However, thisprocedure considers only the 2 value at the maximum peakintensity in XRD spectrum while the role of intensity distribu-tion is not taken into account. Therefore, according to the currentapproach, two different intensity distributions with similar max-imum intensity in XRD spectrum give the same d-spacing valuewhich is not reasonable. In order to offer better interpretationabout the intercalation state of clay based on the XRD spectrum,we calculate the mean diffraction angle (2) and its correspond-ing diffraction intensity (I) of the nanoclays basal d-spacing (0 0 1)peak in XRD pattern according to following distribution for-mula