Participants also felt that to keep someone on the consumer journey to purchasing eALT, specific information regarding products or services must be conveyed through more informational material, whether it be leaflets or advertising. The information would need to allow a younger older person to trust the product, and convey the message that the product or service ‘does what it says on the tin,’ clearly demonstrating the link between need and product. Participants were keen that advertisements whilst being aspirational should also have an element of realism, and not use overly “glamorous” models. Younger older people in the study were also keen to stress that disabled and older people are part of society, and should thus be represented in advertisements in an inclusive manner.
Beyond advertising, participants wanted clear, visual demonstrations of how a product would work, so they would be able to assess a product's ease of use, reliability, and safety. Information regarding product guarantees and warranties were also of value. There was a feeling that information provided regarding eALT should position the product as ‘mainstream’ and ‘normal,’ thus avoiding the problems with traditional statutory supplied eALT products that are seen stigmatising and only for ‘old’ people.