She generates her own heat! Useful in the winter, makes her prone to overheating during the summer.
*She doesn't need tools. She can break down trees, rocks and buildings with her bare hands.
*She has three distinct modes based on her current hunger:
1. Maintenance Mode (Default)
While middling, she has increased attack power, damage resistance and speed, while requiring only slightly more food than normal. She also regenerates up to half her maximum health, and regains sanity. However, if she has more than half her max health, it will slowly decay until it is no longer more than half.
2.Battle Mode
If she fills herself up to 350/500 hunger, she will activate her 'Battle Mode'. In this form, her hunger drains much, much faster, but she gains greatly increased stats. However, she cannot stay in this mode for too long, as it will drain her sanity.
3. Conservation Mode
If she drops below a certain threshold of hunger, she will activate conservation mode, which will preserve what precious fuel remains, while reducing her 'unnecessary' functions.