The future management plans for Soga are based on the
recently completed Soga recovery plan (2010–2015) prepared
by NatureFiji-MareqetiViti which was endorsed by
the Fiji Department of Environment in June 2010 (NFMV
2010). The sustainable harvesting approach rather than
outright prohibition recommended in the recovery plan is
not without its critics who believe that if Soga is as rare as
is claimed, its use must be banned. While simple in theory,
in reality in the face of a steadily increasing human population,
absence of indigenous cultural values/uses of Soga
and the demand for the accessible but marginal areas where
Soga is found, Soga will not survive unless there is a use or
a market for it, except in some strictly protected sites.
Hence, NatureFiji-MareqetiViti’s recommended conservation
approach, which is to stimulate the market for thatch,
but by using sustainable harvesting methods.
The future management plans for Soga are based on therecently completed Soga recovery plan (2010–2015) preparedby NatureFiji-MareqetiViti which was endorsed bythe Fiji Department of Environment in June 2010 (NFMV2010). The sustainable harvesting approach rather thanoutright prohibition recommended in the recovery plan isnot without its critics who believe that if Soga is as rare asis claimed, its use must be banned. While simple in theory,in reality in the face of a steadily increasing human population,absence of indigenous cultural values/uses of Sogaand the demand for the accessible but marginal areas whereSoga is found, Soga will not survive unless there is a use ora market for it, except in some strictly protected sites.Hence, NatureFiji-MareqetiViti’s recommended conservationapproach, which is to stimulate the market for thatch,but by using sustainable harvesting methods.
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