Taxation statistics
Our annual publication, Taxation statistics, provides a comprehensive statistical summary of information taxpayers report to us. The main source of information is income tax returns. However, data is also sourced from:
annual returns for fringe benefits tax (FBT) and goods and services tax (GST)
business activity statements (BAS) and instalment activity statements (IAS)
capital gains tax (CGT) schedules.
Taxation statistics contains information on:
individuals, companies, superannuation funds, partnerships and trusts
the goods and services tax (GST), fringe benefits tax, excise and fuel schemes
the Higher Education Loan Program
payments and transfers through the Australian tax system.
The publication provides trends over time although it does not present social or economic analysis of these trends. In the time series, information for previous years is updated in each subsequent edition to take account of any additional lodgments.
Taxation statistics also provides data on the time-based cost of compliance and industry benchmarks in the form of financial and activity statement ratios.