The objective of this study is to determine the treatment result of severe fractures of the tibial pilon using a two-stage treatment plan with a singular implant type. The setting is a level 1 trauma centre, the design a consecutive series of patients with a retrospective data evaluation. Due to anatomical circumstances, soft-tissue treatment is extremely important for fractures of the tibial plafond. After promising results reported about a two-staged treatment plan with external fixation and secondary internal fixation, we incorporated this method in our treatment protocol. This consisted in a second stage of internal fixation with a specifically developed locked pilon plate with multi-directional applicable screws. Between March 2000 and February 2005, 42 patients with high-energy fractures of the tibial plafond were treated using a two-staged treatment plan: firstly the fracture was stabilized with an external fixator immobilizing the ankle joint. Secondly, after stabilization of the soft-tissue situation (mean 9.2 days) open reduction and internal fixation with a locked-screw plate was performed. Complications experienced included three cases of superficial wound necrosis, in two cases a deep vein thrombosis occurred. All fractures healed but two patients needed an early bone graft because of insufficient bony consolidation. At follow-up, six Patients had no deficit in the range of movement of the ankle compared with the unaffected side, 19 patients experienced a deficit of movement of less then one third compared to the opposite side. In 27 cases no or only mild posttraumatic arthritis of the ankle occurred. There was no secondary loss of reduction or need for arthrodesis. The mean AOFAS score was 73.4 (52–97). A two-stage treatment plan in fractures of the distal lower limb with external fixation followed by locked-plate osteosynthesis reduces local complications with a good functional result.
Key Words
Pilon fracture Tibial plafond Staged treatment External Fixation Locked-screw plate