This paper seeks to contribute to the scant literature about impacts of IFRS in Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia and their socio-economic impact onwider stakeholders, perceived tensions on the
adoption of IFRS; and IFRS knowledge and accounting education. Interviewees in Singapore claim
that most accounting standards have been implemented without much difficulty, the result of good
co-operation between the state and the profession. The application of ‘fair value’ has been
problematic, mainly due to the requirement for greater professional judgement require for the
financial instruments and agriculture standards. In all, interviewees were varied in their responses
as to whether the adoption of IFRS regime over the last six years has been meaningful, including
reservations about the reward of lower cost of capital and concerns about loss of competitive
position. That progressive adoption of the IFRS framework has set a momentum for foreign
investments in Singapore through comparability is yet to be measured.
Malaysia is officially adopting IFRS in 2012. Many interviews expect to see positive impacts
across the community, such as inward investment attraction and resultant increases in standards of
living. The adoption of the IFRS framework has created some tension amongst practitioners and
policy makers with regards to the accounting standards for financial instruments, real estate and
agriculture. The latter two are likely to have a delayed implementation because of fair value
concerns, whilst the ‘complexity’ of the principles approach has impacted confidence in the
financial instruments standard. There are concerns about adequate preparatory IFRS training; and
problems of low numbers of accountants in Malaysia. Some interviewees mentioned that IFRS is
being introduced by authorities without taking into account cultural, religious and societal
variations around the globe.
Similarly to Malaysia, Indonesia is adopting IFRS officially in 2012. The adoption of the
IFRS framework has created some tension amongst practitioners and policy makers, including the
Bank of Indonesia. Interviewees noted that the standard setter, DSAK, seems to be divided by the
sensitive issues of whether IFRS and Shari’a principles can be reconciled. The application of fair
value has been a complex issue, which is mainly due to a greater degree of professional judgement
being required. The IAI has urged DSAK to expedite the process in order to comply with the road
map of IFRS for convergence in 2012.This was further stressed at 2011 forums and seminars. Some
interviewees mentioned that IFRS is being introduced by authorities without taking into account the
cultural, religious uniqueness of Indonesia. While this paper provides some useful insights about the
adoption of IFRS in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, more extensive research in the future is
Document: Socio-Econ -IFRS
Author: Prem Yapa
Save Date: 22/12/2011
Page 22 of 26
needed particularly examining the effectiveness of IFRS in ASEAN. We believe that this area of
research will generate continuing interest for accounting researchers.