Table 1 shows the evaluated physical attributes for tomato cv. AB2
and cv. CXD179. The weight variations for each of the cultivars were
large, similar to results noted in a previous report (Garcia & Barrett,
2006a). Therefore, in the following peeling studies, tomatoes were
presorted based on weight and tomatoes ranging from about 60 to
100 g were selected to ensure uniformity. Results from studies of dimensional
attributes suggest that the two studied peeling tomato cultivars
have similar morphological features but subtle differences,
especially in their blossom ends. The cv. CXD179 has a unique nipplelike
tip while cv. AB2 has a flat tip. As expected, this dissimilarity in
shape is reflected in the longer average length of cv. CXD179. Another
difference in external shape is the height to maximum diameters between
the two cultivars. In terms of the overall body shape, the ratios
of height to maximum diameter revealed that both possess an elongated
oval shape. Similar shoulder height was found in both whereas a
larger stem scar diameter was found in cv. CXD179. As stated earlier, a
large stem scar and a deep shoulder height can affect the peelability
and the ease of peeling (Garcia & Barrett, 2006a). Possible correlations