Create and manage the document as following instructions.
1. There are 10 sheets in file including cover, raw data, new data, test 1, test 2, test 3 and test 4, respectively. Each sheet has different tab color. Every table has to start at column A in row 2.
2. Size of document is A4 with portrait direction. The margins of page are; 1 inch for all sides of page. Font in this file is TH sarabunPSK with size of 16 and aligned in the middle of cell.
3. The cover sheet of file includes 4 parts as shown below. Each part should be arranged in to a single cell at column C in row 5, 15, 20 and 30, respectively.
1. Title
2. Name of student
3. Name of teacher
4. Name of course, field of study, department, faculty and academic year
4. Copy “raw data” sheet to be “new data” sheet and place before “test 1” sheet. Then add these additional data after ID column as following: