As soon as I saw this assignment I knew what I wanted to show the class. But I also knew I couldn't take just one picture to show it. The pictures I have included show the the glacier movement through Northwest Ohio. Many people talk about how this part of Ohio is flat...and it is because of the glaciers shoving and displacing land as they spread south. However, the hill I have shown here is the highest point in my county. (Back before live doppler radar the sheriff department would send an officer to this hill to look for tornados). There is a smaller hill just to the South of it (behind me). I am standing in the valley between the two. On the South side of the hill it is all rock. If you look closely you can see some of the rocks in the sheep field to the right of the fence. On the North side of the hill it is all sand which is why there is a cemetery located there because it was easy to dig for the settlers who made the town. I rode my bike over this hill almost every day as a child since I grew up on this road. There is something beautiful about this road...especially this time of year. So I wanted share all the angles of it. The image that shows multiple round bales just beyond the tree line at the top of the photo is a river which leads me to my last photo. I have also included the 'low' part of my town. There is a valley located in the middle of my town. It was a creek that was a part of the river system in our town. It shows how the water cut through the land overtime. The creek was rerouted many years ago, but the still valley fills up when the river floods.