Kris sighs as he opens the front door, stepping inside he takes his shoes off, when suddenly he heard the floorboards near his Tao's bedroom creak.
He questions aloud curiously..It was only 4:40...Why was Tao home so early..? Looking down where his shoes were neatly placed..he only saw his own shoes at the entrance....Which meant that Tao was'nt here....Somthing felt seriously wrong...He felt his hearbeat quicken, and his limbs suddenly felt heavy.
Slowly he walks towards the sound he heard earlier and peaked around the corner, letting his fingers graze the edge of the wall.
"Tao..Are you here....?" No response.
Letting go of the wall he hears the floor creak with his own footsteps. As he opens the door to the room he looks around a little freaked out
''Tao...This is'nt funny-"
Suddenly a tainted hankierchief is put over his mouth and two rough pairs of hands restrain his arms from behind. Kris gasps in surprise struggling to throw off his attackers. But then his mind becomes hazy, and he feels his legs give out from under him as his limbs becomes immobile, the last thing he see's is a tall man with a beautiful smille smirking at him, then everything goes black.