After 2-3 weeks from culture initiation, shoots appeared and increased on subsequent sub-culturing (Fig. 1). MS medium without growth regulator did not initiate shoot differentiation. Number of shoots per explants among different concentrations and combinations of growth regulators were significantly different. All the concentrations of BAP, NAA and Kn alone facilitated the shoot differentiation (Fig. 2). Among the various combinations of BAP, Kn and NAA, highest Shoot regeneration (95%) results were obtained on MS medium containing BAP (12 µM) with NAA (10.0 µM) and Kn (15.0 µM) generating shoots (6.12 shoots) (Table 1). When BAP concentration was increased above 15 μM, the rate of shoot multiplication was reduced. Increasing concentrations of Kin (>20 μM) and NAA (>15 μM) decreased shoot number and length. The synergistic effect of auxin and cytokinin has been demonstrated in several medicinal plants, viz. Santolina canescens [8], Rauvolfia tetraphylla [9], Bupleurum fruticosum [10] and Rotula aquatic [11]. In accordance with these reports, the present investigation also exemplifies the positive modification of shoot induction efficiency by an auxin in combination with cytokinin. However, when NAA was replaced with IAA, a decrease in induction and multiplication of shoots was noticed.