Studio CACHOUA TORRES CAMILLETTI started out by trying
to envision what a skyscraper should be in the future era, by
letting go of many ingrained preconceptions about the way tall
structures should be designed.
The Mexican-based architectural firm strived to solve the tall
structure debate in a holistic way. The notion of “agricultural
space in big cities” lead them to the concept: “Rice Terraces”.
Rice terraces have an important semiotic and symbolic
significance in culture in countries such as China, and they are
spawn by the need to sow seeds vertically. In addition to the
formal beauty inherent to these terraces, they are a source of
plastic inspiration and a living example of the respectful change
of nature by humans, who do not pose any environmental
aggression, and are both respectful of nature and of a man.
Studio CACHOUA TORRES CAMILLETTI finds such richness
of the meanings and interactions that it was decided that rice
should be the crop of choice for the Skyscraper.
After defining the program, the team proceeded to search for
the ideal spatial scheme for the building. After experimenting
with several options, they reached a final scheme that included
two towers. This choice was made due to three main reasons