Table 2.
Association between a change in social interaction and dementia.
Item Change Dementia (2011)
Total N = 321
n % n % χ2 p*
Being motivated to live PC 28 13.2 184 86.8 212 1.122 0.290
NC 10 9.2 99 90.8 109
Taking an active approach PC 32 14.6 188 85.5 220 4.911 0.027
NC 6 5.9 95 94.1 101
Being motivated to live a healthy live PC 29 12.9 196 87.1 225 0.796 0.372
NC 9 9.4 87 90.6 96
Having regular lifestyle PC 30 13.0 201 87.0 231 1.042 0.307
NC 8 8.9 82 91.1 90
Social curiosity
Reading newspapers PC 33 10.8 273 89.2 306 5.097 0.024
NC 5 33.3 10 66.7 15
Reading books PC 30 12.0 220 88.0 250 0.028 0.866
NC 8 11.3 63 19.6 71
Trying to use new equipment PC 29 14.2 175 85.8 204 3.032 0.082
NC 9 7.7 108 92.3 117
Having a hobby PC 25 13.0 116 89.9 192 0.641 0.424
NC 13 10.1 167 87.0 129
Feeling of importance PC 50 13.9 311 86.2 361 4.214 0.040
NC 51 20.1 203 60.5 254
Communicating within family PC 31 11.1 249 88.9 280 1.125 0.289
NC 7 17.1 34 82.9 41
Communicating with nonfamily persons PC 28 11.5 216 88.5 244 0.128 0.720
NC 10 13.0 67 87.0 77
Interacting with nonfamily persons PC 24 12.2 172 87.8 196 0.080 0.778
NC 14 11.2 111 88.8 125
Participation in the society
Participating in social groups PC 25 11.9 186 88.2 211 0.000 0.994
NC 13 11.8 97 88.2 110
Participating in neighborhood affairs PC 31 13.6 197 86.4 228 2.332 0.120
NC 7 7.5 86 92.5 93
Watching television PC 37 11.9 275 88.1 312 0.005 0.945
NC 1 11.1 8 88.9 9
Having an active role in society PC 32 12.4 226 87.6 258 0.402 0.526
NC 6 9.5 57 90.5 63
Feeling of safety
Having counsel PC 30 11.5 232 88.6 262 0.205 0.651
NC 8 13.6 51 86.4 59
Having someone to give support in emergency PC 35 12.9 236 87.1 271 1.934 0.164
NC 3 6.0 47 94.0 50
* p value: chi-square test.
NC = negative change; PC = positive change.