When people are sick, they must make critical decisions about when and where they should receive healthcare. Unfortunately, most people lack the medical knowledge needed to make these decisions safely.
FreeMD.com is powered by a computer program that performs symptom triage. The goal of symptom triage is to decide when, and where, you should seek care when you have symptoms. Symptom triage does not replace a physician evaluation or make a diagnosis.
The FreeMD symptom triage program is 100% written, and maintained, by board-certified emergency medicine physicians at DSHI Systems. Over the past 12 years, healthcare professionals in the U.S. government and major managed care organizations have used the program extensively, proving its effectiveness. FreeMD.com improves medical outcomes by helping consumers determine the most appropriate time and place to receive care from a healthcare professional.
With so many options for care today, it's becoming more important for you to know where you should get care when you develop symptoms. Choices include:
Emergency Room
Urgent Care Center
Physician Office
Physician eVisit (via the web, e-mail, or phone)
Dentist Office
Nurse Retail Clinic
Your choice on where to get care is important because not all of these locations are equipped to treat all health problems. If you make the wrong choice, you risk delaying your diagnosis and treatment. A wrong choice could also lead you to over-pay for the same care you could have received in a less expensive setting. FreeMD.com was created to safely direct you to the right location: where you get the care you need, without paying more than you need to.
FreeMD.com performs a medical interview, just like a real doctor. During the interview, you answer questions about your symptoms and past medical history. FreeMD is designed to be fast (average encounter time is less than 2 minutes), so you get help fast! At the end of the process, FreeMD.com generates a report that provides the following information: