At present, a lot of people ¬use social media in daily life for education and business because people can use social media to share knowledge, information and data to each other freely also you can talk and comments to each other instantaneously with just an internet connection, so makes social media is very popular for education and business people because it is very advantage .
For education, we can take social media applied to education by taking social media that students are well known to attract attention such as Facebook and Youtube. First, teachers and students can used Facebook for teaching and learning activities, and they can be used to share a story, knowledge and experience. Second, students can used Youtube for search a source of knowledge and information more from the classroom, and learning online. Although, social media can be applied to education
For business, Social media is another way to generate revenue for the business because business people can make better relationships with their customers, and promote our products. First, a good relationship is impresses customers and interested to buy from us. This can be done through social media such as answering customer questions quickly. Second, to promote the product through social media to make it more popular because people can share information to others without limitation. This two causes the businessman can sell more products, and more income as well.
In conclusion, social media has many benefits including education, business