The three coffee cooperatives in our study—Ndumberi F.C.
S. Ltd, Kiambaa F.C.S. Ltd and Mikari C.G.C.S. Ltd—are
located inKiambuCounty in Central Kenya. The cooperatives
are engaged either in single (Fairtrade) or double certification
(Fairtrade and Utz) and compared with otherwise similar noncertified coffee producers. This region is located close to
Nairobi and has a fairly good road network that is trafficable
throughout the year. The volcanic soils are rich in organic
matter and the climate is ideal for growing quality coffee.
The coffee growing zone in Kiambu spreads on the foothills
of the Aberdare ridge with altitude ranging from 1.520 to
2.200 m.a.s.l. There are twenty-two active cooperative societies with a total active membership of over 50,150 coffee