Rice moth egg, Corcyra cephalonica has been proved to be the most suitable host for egg parasitoid,
Trichogramma spp. production, due to its high egg productivity and adaptability to varied rearing condition. In an
attempt to increase the amount of egg laid by female, experiment was conducted to find out the suitable temperature
and diet for the adult of rice moth. The results revealed that there were more eggs laid under 25°C (362 eggs/female
and 76.25 eggs/day) with statistical different to 30°C and 35°C. The effect of diet on the longevity, number of eggs
inside ovary, number of oviposited eggs and egg size of the rice moth female were examined under different diets
as; honey 10%, honey 10%+ brewers yeast and unfed. The highest female longevity (10.8 day) was recorded for
honey 10%+ brewers yeast. The ovipositions related to reproductive capacity of female from different diet were
observed. The female ovary was daily dissected through entire life span. The female fed on honey 10%+ brewers
yeast laid 394.9 eggs which 94.88% of reproductive capacity (egg inside ovary). And was significant to female fed
on honey 10% (51.43%) and unfed (50.76%). Different diets had no effect on egg size. The eggs from these diets
were subsequently exposed to Trichogramma spp. The diet showed no effect on percentage of parasitism but affected
on the percent of parasitoid emergence