You are basically against putting up with certain things for too long. You will now express this and also promptly let your actions follow your thoughts and words. The Sun reaches Leo; but even before it gets there, it is / you are already driven to do something by Mars. Are you perhaps still waiting for the right moment? If this is the case, you will wait until the weekend at most. With the New Moon, it will erupt out of you like the lava from the volcano. You assume leadership and become the bearer of hope. Leo can finally be a real lion for once. You had to wait a long time for this.
Partnership / Love:
The drive to do something could manifest itself in love as the urge to conquer. You now know quite precisely what you want and seem to simply take it. Has someone been waiting for someone like you? Or is he/she just offering too little resistance? You get into such a high gear on the weekend that you may pay too little attention to what your partner would like.