4. Conclusion
On the whole, this internship was a useful experience. I have gained new knowledge, skills and met many
new people. I achieved several of my learning goals, however for some the conditions did not permit.
I got insight into professional practice. I learned the different facets of working within a NGO.
I experienced that financing, as in many organisations, is an important factor for the progress of projects.
Related to my study I learned more about the biology and ecology of river dolphins and the threats they
face. There is still a lot to discover and to improve. The methods used at the moment are still not
standardized and a consistent method is in development.
In Bolivia education is an important aspect of the conservation of the dolphin species. I have seen
that local people can contribute to conservation, for example with their knowledge. Furthermore I
experienced that it is of importance that the education is objective and that you have to be aware of the
view of other people. Environmental education is not one sided, but it is a way of sharing knowledge,
ideas and opinions.
The internship was also good to find out what my strengths and weaknesses are. This helped me to
define what skills and knowledge I have to improve in the coming time. It would be better that the
knowledge level of the language is sufficient to contribute fully to projects. After my master I think that I
could start my working career. However I could perform certain tasks in research better if I practice/know
more the research methodologies applied in cetacean studies. It would also be better if I can present and
express myself more confidently.
At last this internship has given me new insights and motivation to pursue a career in ecological
research abroad.